Why NTU “KhPI”?

About NTU “KhPI”

5 educational-scientific institutes, military institute and 4 faculties
provide engineers’ full-time training and learning by correspondence under 42 specialties;

Technical Machine-Tool School
provides junior specialists’ training under 6 specialties.

Poltava Polytechnic College
provides junior specialists’ training under 5 specialties.

Faculty of Distant and Pre-University Education
works under two directions: preparation for entering the University – pre university training and preparation by a correspondence learning form at training-and-consulting centres.

International Cooperation Subdivisions
The main aim is to provide foreign citizens with educational services for entering the HEI, and to ensure international cooperation of the University.

89 departments
– teach students in humanities, fundamental and engineering (general and special) specialties;
– they are centres of educational, methodological and scientific-and-research work.

Teaching-and-Methodological Department
organizes and ensures methodological work under all directions of educational activities.

Scientific-and-Research Unit
organizes and ensures fulfillment of researches by departments and research laboratories, coordinates activities of scientific university subdivisions.

Postgraduate and Doctoral Degree Studies
for specialists of higher qualification under 69 specialties.

Scientific-and-Research Library
contains over 2 million books, fulfills documentary and information-and-bibliographic support to research and learning university processes, and provides students and researchers from HEIs and research institutions of Ukraine with the whole complex of library services free.

Inter-branch Institute for Post-Diploma Continuing  Education
Within a post-diploma education system it provides specialists with an opportunity to receive a new qualification, a new specialty or a profession basing on the education and working experience obtained before.

Scientific-and-Research Planning-and-Design Institute “Molniya”
carries out scientific researches in field of high-voltage equipment and magnetic-pulse metal processing.

Scientific-and-Research Ionosphere Institute
carries out scientific researches of ionosphere in natural and artificially perturbed states as well as of neighbouring space.

Information and Computing Center
coordinates the over-all complex of activities in informatization of all spheres of the University functioning.

Scientific-and-Technological and Learning and Training-and-Production Centres
produce equipment for researches and experiments according to individual orders made by the University departments to carry out scientific research works and support the training process.

Military Registration Board
According to the Articles 35-38 of the Law of Ukraine “About the military obligation and military service”, enterprises, establishments, organizations, and education institutions, regardless of their subordination and ownership forms, should keep records of all persons liable and enlisted for military service; and their heads (owners) are in charge for this registration records, and should watch over the fulfillment of the military registration rules by those liable for military service.

Military Sergeants College
trains professional sergeants for Armed Forces of Ukriane.

The laboratory for studying and preserving historical-and-cultural heritage of Ukraine and the NTU “KhPI”.