The students trade-union organization (STUO) of NTU “KhPI” is the major human rights organization of the university, that represents about 13 000 students. It includes 20 trade-union organizations of the faculties.
The main objective of our organization is representation and protection of social and economic interests of students of NTU “KPI”, the first technical university in Ukraine. To reach the objectives STUO at its conference elects a chairman and committee, which include representatives of trade-union bureaus of the faculties. To organize the trade-union committee main direction performing there are 7 units:
● The organizing unit prepares and holds STUO conferences, trains trade-union activists, controls STUO documents and keeps records of STUO members.
● The sports unit carries out control over functioning and development of educational and training base. It organizes and conducts various contests with STUO awards, bringing in students of all faculties.
● The health unit is engaged in control of quality of health-care services at the university and distribution of places in the “Polytechnic” sanatorium and in the “Studenchesky” sports-health camp (the Crimea, Maly Mayak village) and “Polytechnic” camp (Kharkov region, Figurovka village).
● The culture unit organizes all mass events of STUO, among which “Funny contest” Polytechnic League, “The star planet “Polytechnic” music festival and many others concerts in the Palace of students of NTU “KPI”.
● The communications unit is responsible for public relations, interviews and social studies. It is engaged in distribution of the information about STUO activities, creates STUO informational resources and provides their work.
● The public control unit carries out constant monitoring over the timely implementation of measures stipulated in the collective agreement between STUO and administration of NTU “KPI”.
● The accommodation unit deals with issues concerning conditions of student accommodation and life in hostels. It conducts training of student boards and supervises their work, implementing STUO policies.
Learn more about the students trade-union on site