Department of Computer Engineering and Programming

Zakovorotnyi Oleksandr Head of The Department

Zakovorotnyi Oleksandr

Department Site

About Department

The department prepares specialists in the field of:

  • computer systems and networks;
  • computer software and hardware;
  • programming of mobile devices and computer games.

The department conducts training on the educational and professional level of bachelor and master in specialty 123 “Computer Engineering“.

Our department cooperates with leading IT companies in Kharkiv. This allows students of the department to undergo internships and participate in programs conducted by our partners.

Our graduates successfully work as system programmers, lead programmers, 1C programmers, system analysts, system and network administrators, web application developers and web designers, database administrators, developers of complex radio engineering devices, as well as devices based on microcontrollers. systems, testers, communications specialists, heads of IT departments and computer security departments, as well as occupy other positions that require a high-quality education in the field of information technology.

Qualifications and Areas of Specialization

n specialty 123 “Computer Engineering“.