Department of Electrical Machines

Milykh Volodymyr Head of The Department

Milykh Volodymyr

Department Site

About Department

At the Department of “Electrical Machines” there is a scientific school under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Milykh Vladimir Ivanovich, an excellent student of education in Ukraine, a member of the Commission on Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The main partners with whom the department cooperates in the field of research and development are the leading electrical engineering enterprises of Kharkov – Electrotyazhmash, HELZ, Electromashina, Potential Plant, Kharkov Aggregate Design Bureau State enterprise and others.
Employees of the department participate in the work of the research and production with enterprise “Tetra Firm”, Ltd. The main goal is to carry out research and development projects on an initiative basis and bring their results to the level of commercial use (manufacturing products themselves or selling intellectual property).
During its existence, the company, in close cooperation with the department, has developed and launched into serial production a number of devices for diagnosing and protecting electrical machines, received about 30 patents of Ukraine for inventions and industrial designs. The company’s products are in steady demand in Ukraine and neighboring countries. More than 5,000 companies in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan operate the company’s serial products.
Currently, Tetra, Ltd. is conducting research and development work on the creation of new impact electrical motors, high-torque low-speed electric motors. The company actively acquaints the scientific community and industry representatives with the results of its work by regularly participating in scientific and technical conferences and exhibitions.
Now the department is working on multilevel mathematical models of electrical machines for general and special purposes, asynchronous frequency-controlled motors for mine storage electric locomotives, autotractor generators, generators for wind power and diesel generator sets of autonomous supply, successful research is being carried out on high-torque low-speed motors, special electric machines with permanent magnets; work is underway to create scientific, technical and educational support for the development of a system for designing electrical machines based on numerical field methods, a virtual laboratory for the study of electrical machines and transformers is being created, and other research developments are being carried out. During its existence, the department has trained more than 2500 engineers working and working in all regions of Ukraine and the CIS, as well as more than 100 graduates from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. Note that the number of foreign students in two parallel groups of the department sometimes reached ten people. The department receives letters of thanks from our former foreign students.
More than 100 candidates (including 11 foreign citizens) and 9 doctors of technical sciences have been trained at the department on the basis of the research work performed. Continuing the glorious traditions laid down by P.P. Kopnyaev, the Department of Electrical Machines remains one of the leading centers for the development of the theory and practice of electrical engineering in Ukraine.
The department pays great attention to the research work of students. Recognition of this work – prizes in competitions of scientific works and the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad on electrical machines and apparatuses.
The department of Electrical Machines of NTU “KhPI” performs the functions of a leading enterprise for the evaluation and review of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the scientific specialty “Electrical Machines and Apparatus”, prepared in other institutions of Ukraine.
The Department of “Electrical Machines” in Ukraine and abroad is still known and visited by many specialists and teachers as one of the co-organizers of the annual international symposium “SIEMA”. In addition, the department, together with its own and other faculties, is a participant in the annual international scientific and technical conference Micro-CAD, which is simultaneously held at NTU “KhPI” and a number of related foreign universities.
Head of the department prof. Milykh V.I. is a member of the editorial board, and the staff of the department actively publishes their scientific articles in the All-Ukrainian periodical scientific and technical journal “Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”, created and published by NTU “KhPI” 6 times a year.

Qualifications and Areas of Specialization

We invite you to enter the University on 141 specialties “Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics” 141.02 Educational program “Electromechanics” 141.02.01 “Electrical Machines” Department.

Our educational and qualification levels:

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering;
Master in Electrical Engineering;
PhD in Electrical Engineering

Our levels of administrative structure:

National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Institute of Power Engineering, Electronics and Electromechanics
Department of Electrical Machines

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