Department of General Economic Theory

Volosnikova Nataliia Head of The Department

Volosnikova Nataliia

Department Site

About Department

In 1950, the Department of Political Economy was established. Currently, the department of General Economic Theory is one of the leading economic and theoretical departments at NTU «KhPI». The Department of General Economic Theory is a community of scientists and teachers committed to high standards of scientific research and pedagogical efficiency. Our mission is to develop and disseminate deep and innovative knowledge in the field of Economic Theory, contributing to the formation of highly qualified and competent specialists. The department participates in the training of bachelors of all specialties of the Institute of Education and Science in Economics, Management and International Business and teaches them at a high level basic courses in Economic Theory in both Ukrainian and English languages. As part of the teaching of theoretical disciplines at the department of General Economic Theory, students are provided with fundamental knowledge that forms their understanding of key principles and concepts in the field of economics.

In addition, the department trains students in the field of knowledge 29 «International Relations» with the specialty 291 «International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies», the educational program «International Relations and Public Communications» at the bachelor’s level of higher education.

The organization of scientific conferences and seminars at the Department of General Economic Theory is an important component of activities to promote scientific information exchange, research development and interaction between leading scientists and students. The teachers of the department stimulate interest in scientific research, where students can use the acquired knowledge to conduct their own research and analyze economic phenomena. This approach helps students not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also develop critical thinking, analytical and research skills, which are important in today’s economic environment.

The department uses modern teaching methods, including the use of computer technologies, interactive methods and other innovative approaches. The teachers of the department constantly develop educational materials, textbooks, study guides that take into account modern trends and approaches to the study of general economic disciplines.
The existing development of cooperation with practitioners is an important aspect of the department of general economic theory to ensure the practical use of educational skills and to provide students with the opportunity to gain experience in real economic conditions.

These directions help the department of general economic theory to provide high-quality training of students in fundamental aspects of economics, contribute to a significant contribution to the development of economic science.

The credo of the department consists in stimulating professional and personal self-improvement, constant self-education and self-development. We are committed to the principles of involvement in university life, active search, high professionalism, initiative and high demands on ourselves and our students. The department strives to create an educational environment that promotes the development of each personality and the formation of highly qualified and responsible specialists.

Scientific fields

The directions of research work of the department cover the theoretical aspects of the sustainable development of the economy of Ukraine:

  • Institutional factors of economic development of Ukraine.
  • Study of modern trends in the development of the world economy and their impact on the national economy.
  • Determination of institutional factors of the dynamics of formal rules.
  • Institutional foundations of effective economic development of Ukraine’s economy.
  • Management of economic security and sustainable development of the industrial sector affected by hostilities.

The results of the conducted research are systematically introduced into the educational process, and are also reflected in scientific publications. Our achievements are regularly presented at scientific conferences, where we actively communicate and exchange experience with colleagues and other representatives of the scientific community.

Qualifications and Areas of Specialization

291 «International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies» (Bachelor’s Educational Program «International Relations and Public Communications»)