The Department of Accounting and Finance

Manoilenko Oleksandr Head of The Department

Manoilenko Oleksandr

Department Site

About Department

The Department of Accounting and Finance offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral (Ph.D.) programs in the following specialties in both Ukrainian and English languages:

Specialty 071 Accounting and Taxation

Specialty 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market

The department employs highly qualified instructors with practical experience. The educational process adheres to international standards. There are groups for instruction in both English and Ukrainian languages. Agreements for student and faculty ERASMUS+ international mobility exist with European university partners.

Students actively participate in inter-university Olympiads, and international conferences, and develop projects within the SPARK startup center of NTU “KhPI”. The educational process is oriented towards interaction with international companies and potential employers (stakeholders). Thanks to existing integration connections, students are provided with practical training bases at leading enterprises, banking institutions, insurance, and investment companies with the possibility of further employment.

The department is located in Building No. 5, on the 2nd floor, in classroom 207.

Research Directions: The Department of Accounting and Finance conducts innovative research in the financial accounting field for the Kharkiv regional administration. It has a practical orientation and cooperates with economic entities in the financial sector, consulting, and auditing companies, and enterprises of the real sector of the economy in the Kharkiv region. The research conducted at the department focuses on using the intellectual and scientific-technical potential, stabilizing, restructuring, and developing domestic enterprises.

Scientific fields

The main research directions are:

  1. Improving the organizational-methodological provision of accounting, analysis, and audit of the efficiency of enterprise resource usage;
  2. Researching strategic management of production potential based on financial controlling;
  3. Economic-statistical research of management processes of accounting-analytical provision and taxation of enterprise activity;
  4. Forming theoretical-methodological foundations for optimizing the tax burden on the enterprise in the context of ensuring its activity efficiency.

Qualifications and Areas of Specialization

The department offers the following educational programs for bachelor’s and master’s levels:

Specialty 071 Accounting and Taxation

Bachelor’s level:

Accounting, Audit and Taxation

Digital Accounting and Business Consulting

Master’s level:

Accounting, Audit and Taxation

Specialty 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market

Bachelor’s level:

Finance and Banking

Stock Market and Digital Financial Technologies

Master’s level:

Finance and Banking

Doctoral (Educational-Scientific) level:

Finance, Banking and Insurance