On 10 of October 2017, an outstanding scientist in the field of material science, doctor-engineer of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany) and an alumnus of NTU “KhPI” Hans-Bertram Fischer came to his alma mater.
In 1977 he graduated from the Department of Technology of Inorganic Substances at our University and now he is an honorable Professor of NTU “KhPI” and a member of the Construction Academy of Ukraine. He also arranges the International Conference on Construction Problems «IBAUSIL».
The purpose of this visit — to develop cooperation with KhPI, including different international programs and the exchange in scientific and educational spheres.
This visit included: lectures for the students, the talks with the leaders of our University; making a tour of the KhPI — visiting the museum, Chair of the Technology of Ceramics, Refractory Materials, Glass and Enamels at our University.
Representatives of KhPI: the Vice-rector for Scientific-and-Pedagogical Work, Prof. Gennadiy Khripunov, chief of the International Relations Department Oleksandr Goncharov, an executive director of the Board of Alumni Association of NTU “KhPI” Valeriy Kamchatyi.
Gennadiy Khripunov noted that this meeting was arranged with the help of the Alumni Association of KhPI. While discussing the prospects of scientific and educational cooperation, the vice-rector of the Kharkov University paid attention to the most promising areas and programs of cooperation with the German University:
- European Union’s ERASMUS+ program;
- The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020”
- Receiving Master’s degree for the students of NTU ‘KhPI’ at the German Universities.
“Today KhPI takes an active part in the ERASMUS+ program with 14 contracts with the different institutions of higher education in Europe. Today the German Technology Department provides an opportunity for the best students that have a good knowledge in German to participate in the internship selection to get training in Germany” — Gennadiy Khripunov said.
Hans Fisher noted that he would be glad to contribute in cooperation between the NTU “KhPI” and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. “It is nice that the Polytechnic University is interested in such cooperation that will help to graduate more skilled specialist” — he noticed.
It is important to train a few persons with a good knowledge in German. We have several areas that give lectures in the English language” — added Mr. Fisher, — however, for those that participate in exchange programs to Germany it is important to study in the German language, because it allows to get immersed in the verbal environment, improve their speech and develop the communication for the employment and/or cooperation.
Gennadiy Khripunov presented the Letter of Gratitude to the guest and also the Book about the University that was published with the help of the Alumni Association.
It is not my first visit to NTU “KhPI” — narrates Hans Fisher — First time, after my graduation, I visited KhPI in 1998. Since that time I annually visit my university. Each time when I come here, I meet my classmates and we discuss our recent achievements. It is great pleasure to see new buildings in the territory of KhPI, for example, the library and other renovations”.
The study at KhPI gave a lot to me. My knowledge of German and Russian allowed me to establish many contacts with colleagues from CIS countries. In Ukraine I have colleagues in Kiev, Lviv, Kharkiv and other cities” — stressed the guest from Germany.
Hans Fisher has efficiently been cooperating with the scientists of the Chair of the Technology of Ceramics, Refractory Materials, Glass and Enamels of the Kharkiv Polytechnic University. Within the framework of his visit he gave a lecture to the students and teachers of the Chair about new scientific achievements in the field of binding materials, and in particular the gypsum.
Hans Fisher visited also the History Museum of NTU “KhPI” where he left his comments in the Book for Honorable Guests.