National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” signed a cooperation agreement with Istanbul Judicial Science Education and Research Foundation (Turkey). The Turkish delegation was represented by: the president of Foundation Dr. Mehmet Hakan Sağlam and co-founder of the Foundation Dr. Figen Sağlam.
The agreement between NTU “KhPI” and Istanbul Foundation implies joint activities in the sphere of education, science and technology. In particular, it covers the education and training in Turkey for all engineering and social and humanitarian specialties, which Kharkiv university has. Special attention in the agreement is given to the distance learning methods. In the plans – the creation of joint center of distance education under the control and supervision of the Foundation in Ankara, Istanbul and other Turkish cities.
During the visit, the Turkish delegation and vice-rector of NTU “KhPI” professor Eldar Veliev attended two unique research centers of NTU “KhPI”, recognized as a national treasure of Ukraine: Observatory of ionosphere institute (located 50 km from Kharkiv, near Zmiyov) and experimental base of the research and design institute “Molniya” (Andreevka village, Balakleevsky district, Kharkiv region).
In particular, the guests saw the ionosphere observatory of NTU “KhPI” that hosts 4 unique high-tech facility: incoherent scatter radar meter range with a fixed antenna vertical radiation diameter of 100m; incoherent scatter radar meter range with steerable antenna diameter of 25m; ion-probe and stand decameter range. There are 11 total of these radars in the world, with 5 of them in the United States.
These facilities help scientists to investigate the effect of radio emissions and fly of spaceships on the processes in the ionosphere, the nature of geospatial storms, wave disturbances, the magnetic field of the Earth and space weather, the impact of radio waves on plant cells, geo-cosmic plasma and its reaction to the launch of probes. The range of studied height 100-1500 km.
Currently, here systematic measurements of geospatial plasma parameters over Ukraine are carried out in the framework of the Institute of ionosphere research work and international research programs. Space exploration is carried out jointly with the US, Canada, Peru and other countries’ observatories. Thus, the institute of the ionosphere has been actively cooperating for many years with one of the best technical universities in the world – Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Mehmet Hakan Sağlam and Dr. Figen Sağlam also visited a unique testing area of “Molniya” institute, where with the help of high-voltage equipment full-scale tests are carried out, based on the damaging effect and the destabilizing influence of powerful electromagnetic interference of natural and artificial origin. These include lightning, discharges of static electricity, electromagnetic fields of high-voltage transmission lines and contact network of railways etc. The experimental base of “Molniya” explores a variety of industrial objects (including aerospace equipment), national economic, cultural, household and medical purpose, which are based on electrical equipment.
In 2001 the facilities of “Molniya” entered in the International Register as unique test equipment, representing Ukraine, along with similar US, France and Germany installations. The experimental base of the Institute is unique in Europe and Asia in its technical equipment, capabilities and characteristics.
The head of electromagnetic tests’ Department, Professor Mikhail Baranov showed the Turkish guest with the work of one of the high-voltage test facilities, where the different technical objects were submitted by lightning, in other words, they were tested on the effect of lightning.
Dr. Mehmet Hakan Sağlam and Dr. Figen Sağlam were interested in NTU “KhPI” scientists’ researches in the sphere of lightning protection, which is necessary for the construction of nuclear power plants in Turkey and they also agreed on special visit to the institute.
The director of the “Molniya” institute Vladimir Kravchenko, the honored science and technology worker of Ukraine, thanked the guests for such a high interest in the scientific developments of the institute and he expressed the hope for further cooperation with the Istanbul Judicial Science Education and Research Foundation.