During the visit the participants discussed the issues of scientific cooperation and specified also research subjects that are of mutual interest.
The foreign delegation was represented by the scientists working for the Department of Engineering Science and Transport, in particular Prof. Andrzej Frąckowiak, head of the Heat Engineering Department, Prof. Michal Cialkowski and Doctor Rafal Urbaniak. The talks were carried on with the representatives of the Department for Turbine Building, Heat Engineering and Power Efficient Technologies of NTU “KhPI”.
In particular, NTU KhPI held a scientific seminar. Floor was given to the scientists of Kharkov Polytech Prof. A.P. Usatyi, A.I. Tarasov, A.N. Ganzha, V.P. Subbatovich, associate professor L.I. Zbaraz and Doctor Rafal Urbaniak from Posnan University of Technology.