Throughout the period of March 29 to April 2, 2021, the representatives of NTU “KhPI”, in particular Rector of NTU “KhPI” Yevgen Sokol and pro-rector Gennadiy Khrypunov joined the delegation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to pay a working visit to the Republic of Tajikistan. The delegation participated in the educational forum “Study in Ukraine”; the participants held talks and signed the two contracts on cooperation in the field of education and science with large Universities in Tajikistan, in particular S. Shohtemur Agrarian University and Financial and Economic University.
The participants of the educational forum “Study in Ukraine’ were the Ministers of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Republic of Tajikistan Serhiy Shkarlet and Mahmmadusuf Saidali Imamzada, the ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Tajikistan Vasyl Servatiuk and the representatives of nearly 80 leading institutions of higher education from Ukraine. The forum was organized by the Ukrainian National Center for the International Education of the Ministry of Education and Science.
NTU “KhPI” presented its exposition at the exhibition “Study in Ukraine” and held the presentation of the University. In addition, Yevgen Sokol, rector of the Kharkov Polytech bestowed the keepsakes and memorial gifts on the Minister of Education and Science of Tajikistan.
“Tajikistan recollects the KhPI with profound respect and gratitude, as alma mater for our power engineering. Today, the graduates of the University work for all large power stations of Tajikistan that were constructed using the equipment of the Kharkov “Turboatom” plant”,- noted the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Mahmmadusuf Saidali Imamzada.
Within the framework of the forum, the meeting with the graduates from Ukrainian Universities was held. Today, some of them head the governing institutions in the Republic of Tajikistan. In particular, the former graduate student from KhPI Aziz Aminov acts today as a deputy chief of the Department for the Relay Protection, Automation and Metrology of the Ministry of Science and Education of Tajikistan.
In addition, the delegation of NTU “KhPI” conducted talks and signed the two contracts with large Universities. The agreement signed with the Shohtemur Agrarian University presupposes the following:
- Training Tajik specialists in the field of biotechnologies,
- Carrying out joint research in the field of agrarian sciences, agroengineering, agroecology, tourism, economics, management, information technologies, organizing and providing the stable functioning of agroindustrial, recycling, transport stocking and transport repairing systems, logistics, jurisprudence, humanities specialties, etc.,
- Exchanging the information in the field of education, science, technologies and production, holding scientific and hands-on scientific conferences, symposiums, and seminars; participating in national and international educational and scientific programs and projects;
- managing joint projects promoted for the system of postgraduate studies and extra education including the postgraduate course, doctoral studies, refresher training for the teachers, academic specialists and other employees, hosting the events to assimilate educational programs;
- accomplishing joint publications of scientific, educational and methodical research papers,
- carrying out academic exchanges (students, postgraduate students, teachers, scientists, academic specialists and managerial personnel), providing cultural exchange, etc.
The contract signed with Tajik State University of Finance and Economics (TSUFE) presupposes:
- Joint training of the specialists (the citizens of Tajikistan) in the field of energy management (full-time studies at NTU “KhPI” and extramural studies at TSUFE),
- Sharing the experience gained in the educational process for allied trades, including the teaching materials, cooperating in the preparation and publication of monographs, manuals, teaching literature and scientific publications,
- Exchanging the professors to deliver lectures, managing the courses for young teachers and also scientific trainings,
- Managing double-diploma programs and exchange programs for students and postgraduate students,
- Carrying out joint research, participating in regional and international projects, programs, grants and also scientific seminars, conferences, exhibitions, etc.
Reference: The education forum “Study in Ukraine” was held within the framework of the execution of the Ordinance No 210/2020 issued by the President of Ukraine “On the Improvement of the Higher Education in Ukraine”, in particular for the purpose of popularization of the opportunities for foreign students to get higher education in Ukraine. According to the information given on the site of the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ukrainian Universities give training to 134 citizens from the Republic of Tajikistan and 26 of them get state scholarships and 108 students study on contractual basis.