Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics to open International Forum MicroCAD-2023 at KhPI

On Wednesday, May 17, the XXXI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Technologies: Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, Health (MicroCAD-2023)” starts at National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. The event is lasting until May 20 online on Zoom. It will unite almost 3,000 scientists, teachers, students, graduate students and specialists from twenty countries of the world. In particular, among the participants are the Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1997), experimental physicist, NIST Fellow at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology Professor William D. Phillips, and other outstanding scientists. The opening of the conference is on May 17 at 14:00 Kyiv time.

There are 12 sections for participation: energy, electronics and electromechanics; topical issues of mechanical engineering and transport; computer modeling, applied physics and mathematics; chemical technologies and engineering; economics, management and international business; medical sciences; international technical education; social and humanitarian technologies; computer science and information technology; near-Earth outer space; radiophysics and ionosphere; electromagnetic resistance; military sciences, national security, security of the state border.

Keynote speakers of the plenary session are:

  1. Professor William D. Phillips — experimental physicist; Laser Cooling and Capture Group Emeritus and NIST Fellow at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology; Distinguished University and College Park Professor of physics of Maryland; Research Fellow at the Joint Quantum Institute of NIST and UMD; Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1997), (USA, Gaithersburg, Maryland).

Report: “Quantum Reformation of the International System of Units.”

  1. Professor Yevgen Sokol — Rector of NTU “KhPI”, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize for Science and Technology, Laureate of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after S.O. Lebedev, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Ukraine, Kharkiv).

Report: “Integration of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” to the European and International Educational and Scientific Space.”

  1. Professor Ulrich Rüdiger — Rector of the Rhine-Westphalia University of Technology Aachen, (Germany, Aachen).

Report: “MicroCAD: Scientific and Educational Cooperation Between Two Technical Universities: RWTH Aachen and NTU “KhPI.”

  1. Professor Gerard Govers — Earth and Environmental Sciences Specialist, Vice-Rector for Scientific work of the Catholic University of Leuven, (Belgium, Leuven).

Report: “International Cooperation Between Leading Universities.”

  1. Serhiy Pugach — Сoordinator of the National Euratom Contact Point in Ukraine, National Scientific Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kharkiv).

Report: “EURATOM programme: integration of Ukrainian research and education community to the European research area of fission and fusion research and training.”

The conference opens on May 17, at 14:00 (Kyiv, Ukraine Time):

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 4611 6362
Passcode: 808056

Organizers: NTU “KhPI” (Ukraine), Miskolc University (Hungary), Magdeburg University named after Otto von Gerike (Germany), Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridskyi» (Bulgaria), Warsaw and Poznań Polytechnics (Poland), Petroshani University (Romania).

In total, about 3.000 scientists, teachers, and specialists applied for participation in MicroCAD-2023. They represent eleven regions of Ukraine and twenty countries: USA, Germany, Poland, Belgium, China, Hungary, Turkey, Slovakia, Bulgaria, India, Romania, Poland, Greece, Morocco, Sudan, Yemen, Lebanon and others.

More details:


The initiators of the international conference organization were scientists of National Technical University “KhPI” and Mishkolt University back in 1993. Since then, the event has transformed into an International scientific forum. Every year approximately three thousand scientists and young scientists from all over the world discuss global problems of the human civilization development.

During the 30-year history of the conference, participants have made more than fifty thousand reports, more than 350 future Doctors of Science and more than 3,000 Candidates of Sciences and PhDs passed the approval of their scientific works. During this time, more than 150 eminent foreign guests were participants of MicroCAD, in particular Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Deans of Faculties, Professors, Ministers, Ambassadors, Heads of Organizations and Industrial enterprises and others.

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