For the sixth year in a row, NTU «KhPI» continues to occupy leading positions in the list of the world’s best universities according to THE World University Ranking 2025 by subject (THE WUR). According to this ranking, Kharkiv Polytechnic is among the five best higher education institutions in Ukraine by the number of subject areas in which the ranking was conducted. Out of eleven categories, NTU «KhPI» is represented in four: business and economics, physical sciences, engineering and computer sciences.
The results of the world’s best universities’ activities have recently been published by the British agency Times Higher Education. As in previous years, NTU «KhPI» was represented in four directions of eleven areas and took the following positions among the world’s universities and among the ranked universities of Ukraine:
– «Business and Economics» – Kharkiv Polytechnic won the second place among nine Ukrainian universities (position 801+ in the overall list);
– «Physical Sciences» – NTU «KhPI» received a silver medal, ranking second among eleven Ukrainian universities (1001+ in the world);
– «Computer Science» – NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» took the 4th position among 9 ranked universities in Ukraine (position 1001+ in the general list);
– «Engineering» – NTU «KhPI» was ranked 5th (1251+ position in the overall list), and 11 higher education institutions were represented in the category.
According to THE WUR, 16 Ukrainian universities were ranked by subject areas in 2025.
Like NTU «KhPI», National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, and the National Aviation University are represented in four categories.
The World University Rankings by the British agency Times Higher Education is the largest and most diverse global university ranking to date and is considered one of the most authoritative in the world, along with the Shanghai Ranking and QS. The table of evaluation criteria includes 13 indicators that measure the effectiveness of an institution in teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international perspectives. THE WUR publishes the following subject categories: computer science, engineering, medicine, natural sciences, physical sciences, psychology, business and economics, education, law, social sciences, arts, and humanities. They are assessed using the same verified performance indicators as the overall world university rankings, but the weighting metrics are calibrated to match individual industries.