Make your contribution to the development of KhPI!

Dear friends, polytechnicians of all generations alumni, faculty, and students!

In 2025, our beloved National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” turns 140 years old. This is not just an anniversary, but a symbol of our heritage and the future that we are building together.

However, the war has brought us severe trials. Our university has suffered significant damages to buildings, infrastructure, and laboratories. But even in this darkest time, we remain strong. It is we, polytechnicians, who will rebuild Ukraine and make it modern, technologically advanced, and prosperous.

140 years is a date of unity, strength and solidarity. Today, we are creating the future by educating new generations of engineers who will change our world. However, in doing this, we need your help.

We are reaching out to each of you to support our Alma Mater, to restore what has been damaged and prepare new learning conditions, so we can carry on our tradition of training high-level specialists!

All the raised funds will be used for the restoration of our university. Together, we will create training conditions for new generations of engineers who will rebuild Ukraine!

With gratitude and respect, the Rector of NTU “KhPI” Yevgen Sokol

You can donate sponsorship contributions in Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) or cryptocurrency on the “Starry Sky of KhPI” website or directly through the details of the Public Organization “The National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute” Alumni Association:


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