Department of Economic Cybernetics and Marketing Management (ECMM)

Zaruba Viktor Yakovlevich Head of The Department

Zaruba Viktor Yakovlevich

Department Site

About Department

Department of Economic Cybernetics and Marketing Management (ECMM) was created in 1997 to prepare specialists on new specialties “Economic Cybernetics” and “Marketing Management” (field of study “Economics and Entrepreneurship”. Since then, more than 2500 bachelors, specialists, and masters graduated under these specialties. They successfully work in Ukraine and abroad.

4 D.Sc. and 14 Ph.D. dissertations were prepared. 5 state-financed research projects and 14 applied projects developed in cooperation with local enterprises were carried out.

In 2012-2015 teachers and students of the Department took part in the international project “Innolab” financed by the EU Tempus program. Students consistently study abroad under Erasmus mobility program.

Currently three full professors, Doctors of Science, and 7 associate professors, Ph.D.’s work at the Department. Department offers educational programs “Economic Cybernetics”, “Marketing Management”, and “Digital Economy”.

    • Specialty 051 «Economics», educational program “Economic Cubernetics”.

Today, to be a successful economist or manager, one has to apply information technologies effectively to solve on-going problems. Professional focus of the educational program “Economic Cybernetics” is the use of information systems in economics, computer-assisted economic modeling of business situations to choose the best decision.

Our graduates master modern tools for analysis and forecasting economic situations, managing economic objects in the everchanging market environment. They are capable to automate business processes and to implement web technologies to improve management. They can lead various functional departments of the enterprise, to supervise implementation of computer information technologies.

  • Specialty 075 «Marketing», educational program «Marketing management»

No enterprise can exist if there is no demand for its products, and it is marketing task to identify and create demand. On one hand, marketing is the foundation of management of any organisation. On the other hand, marketing is a multitude of activities which need general supervision. That is the reason why the educational program “Marketing Management” is so popular in universities all over the world.

What sets apart the educational program “Marketing Management” in ECMM is the organic synthesis of economics, marketing, and information technologies. This allows to train universal marketologists which are also capable to use modern information technologies. In particular, students acquire skills in PR technologies, branding, marketing research, marketing event planning, development of corporate websites, visual advertisement. Employers’ surveys show that this is exactly the set of competences they are most interested in.

  • Specialty 051 «Economics», educational program “Digital economy”.

From 2019, Department starts preparing specialists under new  educational program «Digital economy».

Digital economy is an umbrella term for the newest digital technologies (electronic computations and transactions, cloud computing, Blockchain, electronic management), digital goods (cryptocurrencies, video games, online books, movies), data analysis technologies (Data Mining, Big Data, machine learning, artificial intelligence), and also on applying these technologies and goods in trade, manufacturing, financial institutions, government  agencies, etc.

Digital economy is a modern trend that appeared as a result of the last (4th) industrial revolution. Its volume is estimated at 4 trillions dollars. Ukraine accepted the concept of development of digital economy for  2018-2021 years. It is expected that digital economy will be the main source of Ukraine GDP growth, and it will require ever increasing number of specialists in different fields.

Graduates of the educational program «Digital economy» will possess modern knowledge on economic sciences as well as in IT technologies. Program is focused on forming competencies necessary for quic development of digital technologies and their implementation in business and government for improving their efficiency, provision of sustainable economic growth and national wellbeing.


Scientific fields

  • methodology of modeling social-economic processes;
  • managing risks of entrepreneurial activities;
  • marketing of relations and managing organisational image;
  • models of optimizing marketing decisions.

Qualifications and Areas of Specialization

Graduation specialties and specializations

  • Specialty 051 «Economics», specialization «Economic Cybernetics»
  • Specialty 075 «Marketing», specialization «Marketing Management»
  • Specialty 051 «Economics», specialization «Digital Economy»