About Department
The Department of Technology of Plastic Masses and Biologically Active Polymers was founded in 1959. Over the period of its existence, the department has trained more than 3,000 specialists in full-time, evening and correspondence forms of education.
The department within the framework of the specialty “Chemical technology and engineering” conducts training in two specializations:
“Technology of polymers for the medical, pharmaceutical, food and household industries”
Students of this specialization study modern, important for industry, national economy and science polymer materials and their production technologies.
Graduates can perform the following professional work: conduct and develop technological processes of synthesis and processing of polymers and plastics based on them, skillfully manage these processes, widely using computer support and information technologies. They receive deep and comprehensive knowledge of methods of testing plastics and composite materials, conduct marketing, develop new types of polymer and composite materials, adhesives, varnishes, sealants, rubbers
“Chemical technology of polymer and composite materials processing”
Students of this specialization receive modern comprehensive training in the study of technological processes of manufacturing plastic products of almost any purpose: household, medical, construction, technical and special purposes. In particular, products for the radio-electronic, machine-building, aviation, medical industries, etc. Computer processes of processing technology management are studied.
Graduates can perform the following professional work in enterprises: conduct and develop technological processes of plastics processing, manage these processes, design plastic products and technological equipment for their production, select polymer materials for various fields of application, prepare technological processes for production, mechanical processing of plastics, and also with joining of plastic parts by welding, gluing, etc.
Curricula of specialties correspond to international and national standards and provide deep fundamental and practical training of specialists in accordance with the qualification programs of three educational levels: bachelor, specialist, master.
Many graduates are employed at enterprises:
Stoma” (Kharkov), Research Plant of the Institute of Scintillation Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Institute of Single Crystals, (Kharkov), Plant of Chemical Reagents (Kharkov), “Chervon Zirka” Plant (Kharkov), JSC “Styrol” ( Horlivka), Fiberglass Plant (Kharkov) LLC “Vykotex” (Kharkov), Fiberglass Pipe Plant (Kharkov), Yuzhkabel Plant PJSC, Tubny Zavod LLC (Kharkiv) Kharkiv), LLC “Kharkivkhimprom”, “ASS-KharkovPlast” plant, “Polymer” plant, “Diflon” plant, JSC “Polimeragro”, “HAZ” and others.
Scientific fields
“Modification of polymer materials and composite systems based on them”
Qualifications and Areas of Specialization
- Chemical technology and engineering: Chemical technology of polymer and composite materials processing
- Chemical technology and engineering: Technology of polymers for the medical, pharmaceutical, food and household industries