NTU “KhPI” organized an online conference for the citizens of Nigeria

The online conference “E—SUMMIT 2020. Study in Europe (Nigeria — Ukraine)” took place at NTU “KhPI”. The conference was devoted to the matters of education of foreign citizens at the aforementioned university. Among the participants were citizens of Nigeria (from the city of Lagos), and representatives of the university.

The conference was broadcast on Facebook. Among the moderators were: the graduate of NTU “KhPI”, a citizen of Nigeria Abiola Omole, and NTU “KhPI” Vice-Dean of the Department of International Education, Associate Professor Anna Drozdova.

The participants discussed the following issues: structure and quality of education at the university, international action of NTU “KhPI”, the manner in which the educational process at the university is organized, as well as what living conditions are provided to foreign students of KhPI, etc.

Also, in the online meeting participated the 2nd year student of the Institute of Education and Science in Mechanical Engineering and Transport, a citizen of Nigeria Tasi Chijioke Kenneth. He shared his impressions about Kharkiv, told about his experience of studying at the KhPI, having noted the high standard of teaching at the university and the friendly atmosphere.

According to the organizers, the conference was informative and the audience was highly engaged. The representatives of Nigeria expressed their wish to hold a meeting once more with an even wider audience.

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