KhPI is Among the Top Five Ukrainian Universities According to Global Rankings

For the fourth year in a row, NTU “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” has been among the best universities in the world according to the World University Rankings-2023. KhPI holds 1201-1500 ranking position in the common table and it ranks fourth among Ukrainian institutions of higher education. On the whole, the Rankings include 1799 Universities from 104 countries of the world and ten of them are from Ukraine. 

The Rankings are based on 30 indicators that measure the University performance in five categories of activities, in particular teaching, research, number of citations of scientific publications, income gained from cooperation with industry and private companies and internationalization.

Top-ten Ukrainian Universities:

  • Sumy State University — ranking position 401-500,
  • NU “Lviv Polytechnic” — ranking position 601-800,
  • Kharkiv National University for Radio Electronics — ranking position 1001-1200,
  • NTU “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” — ranking position 1201-1500,
  • Franko Lviv National University — ranking position 1201-1500,
  • National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky KPI” — ranking position 1201-1500,
  • Honchar Dnipro National University — ranking position 1201-1500,
  • Shevchenko Kyiv National University (KNU) — ranking position 1201-1500,
  • N. Karazin Kharkiv National University — ranking position 1201-1500,
  • Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University — position 1201-1500.


 World University Rankings by Times Higher Education is the largest and most diverse global rankings of the Universities, as of today. It is considered to be one of the most respectful in the world alongside with Shanghai Rankings and QS. The evaluation criteria table includes 13 indicators that measure the University performance efficiency in the field of teaching, research, knowledge transfer and global prospects. The most important of them include the international students and academics mobility, number of international scholarship programs, level of research, contribution to the innovations, citations of scientific papers and the level of educational services. This year more than 2500 Universities were analyzed (137 more than last year) that submitted appropriate data, including 28 Universities from Ukraine. Final Rankings include more than 1799 Universities from 104 countries of the world, ten of them are Ukrainian. The best global universities according to the Times Higher Education version are Oxford University, Harvard University, Cambridge University, Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,    California Institute of Technology, Princeton University, University of California (Berkeley), Yale University and Empire College of London.

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