NTU «KhPI» held a scientific festival «Automation and Measurement – a trend of the modern world»

The Educational and Scientific Institute of computer modeling, applied physics and mathematics of NTU «KhPI» organized the scientific festival Open Weekend «Automation and Measurement – a trend of the modern world». Almost 30 high school pupils of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges of Kharkiv and the region became guests of the event. Future applicants and their parents had the opportunity to learn about the features of the Institute, to see interesting research stands and experiments of scientists, and to take part in a modern Kahoot quiz. The event was held in the bomb shelter of Kharkiv Polytechnic.

The Open Weekend Science Festival «Automation and Measurement – a trend in the modern world» was opened by professor Oleksii Larin, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Modelling, Applied Physics and Mathematics (ESI CMAPM). He enthusiastically told the applicants and their parents about the Institute, provided detailed information about the features of the admission campaign and the need to acquire knowledge in some specialties in this difficult time. These are: automatisation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics ( specialty 174); information and measurement technologies ( specialty 175). The teachers of ESI CMAPM focused on the presentation of educational programmes in these specialties.

The Institute’s specialists also demonstrated their modern scientific developments to the guests of the career guidance festival to spread and try to see the departmental directions in the field of automation, computer-integrated technologies, instrumentation, information and measurement technologies.

The Open Weekend «Automation and Measurement – the trend of the modern world» gathered almost 30 high school pupils from secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges of Kharkiv and the region. The applicants and their parents were interested in the offline event, asked questions related to education and employment of students, and the teachers of the departments of the ESI CMAPM very actively told and provided recommendations for future successful study at NTU «KhPI».

Video of the event: https://youtu.be/4jJLtG44Tu0?si=y-X48QLiObQBV6zA

The organizers also ask you to fill out a short feedback form. You can leave your feedback on the Open Weekend event «Automation and Measurement – the trend of the modern world» here.


The career guidance event Open Weekend «Automation and Measurement – the trend of the modern world» was held last Saturday, 18 November 2023, in the bomb shelter of NTU «KhPI».  It was organized by 4 departments of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Modelling, Applied Physics and Mathematics (ESI CMAPM) of NTU «KhPI».

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