NTU «KhPI» scientists are participants of the international conference on radiation safety

NTU «KhPI» scientists took part in the International Scientific Conference «Radiation safety in the modern world», which was held at the National Military University Vasil Levski (Bulgaria). The conference brought together scientists and researchers from higher education institutions of the USA, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Latvia, Georgia, and Bulgaria. For the second year in a row, the event began with a plenary presentation by scientists from Kharkiv Polytechnic. Vice-rector professor Oleksandr Trush and Head of the department of labour and environmental safety of NTU «KhPI» Serhiy Wambol spoke at the conference in an online format.  Their scientific report was devoted to the radiation capacity of forest ecosystems after a fire. The conference participants discussed current challenges and problems of radiation and environmental safety and ways to overcome them.

The research work in the field of environmental and radiation safety was carried out by the Vice-rector of NTU «KhPI», professor Oleksandr Trush, and the Head of the department of labour and environmental safety of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport of NTU «KhPI», professor Serhiy Wambol, together with their colleagues from the Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection of Ukraine (IPARCP). The research was attended by the deputy head of the Institute for academic work, professor, colonel of the civil protection service Serhii Yeremenko and professor of the department of fire prevention and life safety of the Institute, associate professor Volodymyr Sydorenko.

Scientists of NTU «KhPI» and the IPARCP told the conference’s participants about the migration of radioactive nuclides in the 30-kilometre zone of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, about the impact of forest fires and other emergencies on this process. In their work, they used mathematical modelling and comparison with the results of field experiments.

The scientists from Ukraine express their gratitude to brigadier general Ivan Malamov, rector of the National Military University Vasil Levski, and Professor Mykola Dolchnikov for the opportunity to speak at the international conference.


The International Scientific Conference «Radiation safety in the modern world» was held at the National Military University Vasil Levski (Bulgaria) on 15-16 November 2023. The feature of the scientific forum is that every year it is dedicated to the memorable dates of outstanding scientists or events related to the field of radiation safety. The 2022 conference was dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the birth of French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel; in 2023, to the 120th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize for him for the discovery of natural radioactivity, as well as to the famous scientists, Nobel Prize Laureates Marie and Pierre Curie.