NTU «KhPI» has joined the «3SI» Scientific and Educational Platform

Four leading Ukrainian higher education institutions, including the National Technical University «KhPI», signed a Memorandum on the creation of the Scientific and Educational Platform «Three Seas Initiative – Ukraine». The event took place at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ukraine (Kyiv). It is expected that cooperation in the implementation of the agreement will contribute to the intensification of research and development, start-up movement, as well as the involvement of other universities, research institutes, business structures, etc. In this way, additional preconditions will be created for Ukraine’s accelerated integration into the European Union.

The Memorandum of Cooperation in Scientific and Educational Activities «3SI» defines four higher education institutions of Ukraine as partners: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Rector Volodymyr Bugrov); Lviv Polytechnic National University (Rector Yurii Bobalo); National University «Odesa Maritime Academy» (Rector Mykhaylo Miyusov); National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Rector Yevgen Sokol). A party to the Memorandum was also the Three Seas Initiative – Ukraine Public Platform (President Andriy Smorodin).  Through the creation and development of the Three Seas Initiative – Ukraine Scientific and Educational Platform, the Ukrainian scientific school will be able to integrate into the interstate «3SI»  (Three Seas Initiative). The purpose of the association is to intensify of  research and development, start-up movement, and involvement of other higher education institutions, research institutes, business structures, etc. In this way, additional prerequisites will be created for Ukraine’s accelerated integration into the European Union, and the strategic role of «3SI» in globalisation processes will be increased through cooperation with Ukraine.

In his speech, professor Yevgen Sokol, Rector of NTU «KhPI», spoke about the successful implementation of the DSG:2 double diploma programme. This project has been implemented since 2022 by the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» and the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg (OVGU) (Germany). The programme allows Ukrainian applicants who are refugees in Germany to enter NTU «KhPI» and OVGU simultaneously, and after good studies, receive two diplomas: of the Ukrainian and German partner universities. Yevgen Sokol noted that today Kharkiv Polytechnic is the only Ukrainian university which offers applicants to enter the 1st year of bachelor’s degree programme in the specialities agreed upon by the joint programme with OVGU. According to rector Yevgen Sokol, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute has a lot to offer to the «Three Seas Initiative – Ukraine» Scientific and Educational Platform in the field of energy, railway transport, electromagnetic compatibility, lightning protection, etc.

Fifteen Ukrainian universities have already responded to the call to support this association. This was announced by Hryhorii Mozolevych, Director General of the Directorate for Science Development at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. He clarified that the ideas and projects submitted by the universities include topical issues that Ukraine is currently facing, in addition to security, such as economic acceleration. «On the other hand, given the current difficult demographic situation, it will be important to create opportunities for Ukrainian scientists to work on international projects while staying in Ukraine,» said Hryhorii Mozolevych.

Andrii Smorodin, President of the «Three Seas Initiative – Ukraine» Public Platform, sees science as the way to Ukraine’s real European integration: «We want to be leaders in the «3SI» at least at the level of education and science».

The platform for signing the Memorandum on the creation of the Scientific and Educational Platform «Three Seas Initiative – Ukraine» was provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland, which is the driving force of the «3SI». The international event was attended by representatives of Latvia and Lithuania, member countries of the «Three Seas Initiative». The discussion was joined by representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as well as Ukrainian people’s deputies, scientists, industry and international experts, and businessmen. The scientific and educational platform will be presented at the next «3SI» Summit and Business Forum to be held in Vilnius on 11 April 2024.


«The Three Seas Initiative» (3SI) is an international economic and infrastructure initiative that brings together 13 European Union countries located near the Baltic, Black and Adriatic Seas. At the end of 2023, Ukraine became an associate member of the «Three Seas Initiative». Within the framework of the Initiative, member countries supported Ukraine’s efforts to join the EU.

Based on the materials:  https://knu.ua/news/13146

Photos: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Communications Centre

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