A unique training course on 3D technologies for medicine has been developed at NTU «KhPI»

Kharkiv Polytechnic introduced a unique training course «3D technologies and wearable electronics. Integration of modern engineering solutions into medical practice».  It was developed within the ABME Hub project of the NGO «Association of Young Scientists of the NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» with the support of the US Embassy in Ukraine. The training course was prepared by scientists and teachers of Kharkiv Polytechnic in close cooperation with leading experts – Owen D. Pearl from Carnegie Mellon University and Daniel A. Jacobs from Temple University (USA).

During two weeks, 19 students of the NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» piloted the curriculum. They studied advanced technologies used in medical rehabilitation and traumatology. This includes, for example, the use of wearable electronics and biomechanical markers in medical monitoring, 3D scanning, modeling and printing in rehabilitation and traumatology, etc.

The students were introduced to the possibilities of individual prosthetics and personalization of treatment methods, and performed laboratory work with the application of these technologies to analyze human movement, which is an important aspect in traumatology and physiotherapy. They also learned about advanced methods and engineering solutions that are revolutionizing the medical monitoring, diagnostics, and rehabilitation.

At the end of the training, all participants received certificates.

«The obtained knowledge and practical skills of future specialists will become the basis for their further professional career in the field of medical technology. NTU «KhPI» is proud of the achievements of its students and plans to develop the program according to the obtained results,» the authors of the training course noted.


ABME Hub is a new project of the NGO «Association of Young Scientists of NTU «KhPI». It aims to develop training course programs related to assistive technologies, 3-D modeling, and electronics, and to create the special programs for retraining medical engineers and specialists to improve their competence in assistive technologies.

The main goal of the project is to strengthen connections between academic community and industry. The development of the course «3D technologies and wearable electronics. Integration of modern engineering solutions into medical practice» was the first step of the ABME Hub in creating opportunities for training and internships for medical engineers and students.

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