NTU «KhPI» joined the European universities of the future

Scientists of Kharkiv Polytechnic took part in the INTERACT project of the EU GREEN Alliance, a transnational alliance of European universities. This is an association of powerful European higher education institutions whose mission is to become one of the first «universities of the future». During the week of the second round of training, NTU «KhPI» scientists learned about the opportunities of NAWA, Horizon Europe, EU GREEN agencies in joint research, mobility, educational and scientific projects, and other events. Ten Ukrainian universities joined the event, which took place at the Wroclaw University of Applied Sciences (Poland).

Associate professor Olena Prokhorenko, Head of the management department of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management and International Business of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, and associate professor Antonina Sakun, Associate professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Ecology of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, were trained under the INTERACT project program from EU GREEN. During the week, scientists of Kharkiv Polytechnic learned about the opportunities of NAWA, Horizon Europe, EU GREEN agencies in joint research, mobility, educational and scientific projects, etc. The event was held at the Wroclaw University of Applied Sciences (Poland). It was attended by representatives of ten Ukrainian higher education institutions.

We should note that NTU «KhPI» started cooperation with the European Alliance of «universities of the future» in September 2023.

Scientists of Kharkiv Polytechnic are sincerely grateful to EU GREEN and the University of Wroclaw for supporting Ukraine and new opportunities for development and cooperation.


The EU GREEN Alliance is a transnational alliance of European universities created and formed by 9 partner institutions (within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program), which will be among the first «universities of the future». EU GREEN is open to cooperation with external partners from the socio-economic environment interested in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and building social inclusion. One of the EU GREEN partners and the organizer of the INTERACT project (within EU GREEN) is the Wroclaw University of Life Sciences (Poland).

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