Computer Information Technologies Faculty
- Department of Computer Monitoring and Logistics
- Department of Computer Engineering and Programming
- Department of Informatics and Intellectual property
- Department of Information Systems
Computer Science and Software Engineering Faculty
- Department of Computer Mathematics and Data Analysis
- Department of Software Engineering and Managment Information Technology
- Department of Strategic Management
- Department of System Analysis and Information-Analytical Technologies
Economic Faculty
- Department of Business Administration and Personnel Management
- Department of Economic Analysis and Accounting
- Department of Economics and Marketing
Electric Machine Industry Faculty
- Department of Automated Electromechanical Systems
- Department of Computer and Radioelectronic Systems of Testing and Diagnostics
- Department of Electric Machines
- Department of Electrical Apparatus
- Department of Industrial and Biomedical electronics
Electric Power Enginering Faculty
- Department of Electric Power Station
- Department of Electric Systems and Chains
- Department of Physics of Metals and Semiconductors
- Department of Technical Cryophysics
Engineering and Physics Faculty
- Department of Computer Modeling of Processes and Sydtems
- Department of Continuum Mechanics and Strength of Materials
- Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines
Integrated Technologies and Chemical Engineering Faculty
- Department of Chemical Engeneering and industrial ecology
- Department of Integrated technologies, processes and apparatuses
- Department of Plastics and Biologically Active Polymers Technology
International Business and Finance Faculty
- Department of Cross-Cultural Communication and Foreing Languages
- Department of Economic Cybernetics and Marketing Management
- Department of International Business and Finance
- Department of Management and Taxation
Mechanical Engineering Faculty
- Department of Engineering technology and metal-cutting machine-tools
- Department of Integrated Technologies Engineering
- Department of Lifting and shifting, construction, road-vorking, land reclamation machines and equipments
Mechanical-technological Faculty
- Department of Foundry
- Department of Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics
- Department of Labor and Environment Protection
- Department of Materials Science
- Department of Processing of metals by pressure
- Department of Welding
Physical and Technical Faculty
Power Mechanic Engineering faculty
- Department of Heat Engineering and Effective Energy Technologies
- Department of Hydraulic Machines
- Department of Steam generator Building
- Department of Turbomachinery
Social and Humanitarian Technologies Faculty
- Department of Intelligent Computer Systems
- Department of Pedagogy, Psychology of Social Systems Management
- Department of Physical Education
- Department of Sociology and Political Science
Technologies of Inorganic Substances Faculty
- Department of Chemical Technology of inorganic substances, catalysis and ecology
- Department of Technical Electrochemistry
- Department of Technology of ceramics, refractories, glass and enamels
Technologies of Organic Substances Faculty
- Department of Biotechnology, Biophysics and Analytical Chemistry
- Department of oil, gas and gas -condensate production
- Department of Organic Synthesis and Nanotechnology
- Department of Technologies of Oil, Gas and Solid fuel processing and refining
- Department of Technology of Fats and Fermentation Products
Transport Engineering Faculty
- Department of Electrical Transport and Construction of Diesel Locomotives
- Department of Information Technology, Systems of Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles
- Department of Internal Combustion Engines
- Department of Theory and computer-aided design of mechanisms and machines
- Department of Vehicle and Tractor Engineering